Thursday, October 18, 2007

fame, fortune, etc.

this is how it all starts. one little article in the pittsburgh post gazette, and the next thing you know, i´m famous. don´t worry, i won´t forget the little people that made this possible...


mama said...

Hey Joey,
Know that you are so busy signing autographs and posing for photo opts but are hoping you can find time often for the little people that made you the star that you are today. I am sure that Jackie and Andy will make sure you are treated like the royal you are this weekend. If not just squash them like lil bugs as there are always others to take their place in the world of stardom. The one thing that we want you remember when the royalty checks start coming in is US!! Thank you we knew you would understand and have your priorities in place. Remember mama loves!!

Unknown said...

i can't wait to tell ppl i know you.

MWill said...

How did this happen?

joanna said...

it happened because i´m awesome. and because they contacted our international studies director and asked her for people. and she gave them other student´s blogs as well, but they only used mine because i´m awesome.