Monday, October 22, 2007

romancero gítano

we went to see a flamenco show the other night, and i´m still feel like words are inadequate to describe it. but i will try. the show was called "romancero gitano" which means, gypsy romance. it was based on the poetry of Lorca, who wrote a book of 12 poems based upon the lives of gypsies. these 12 poems were set to music, and were sung by a woman and a man in typical flamenco style. very passionate, and very emotional. if the singing didn´t get your emotions flowing, the dancing did. it was so incredible. i didn´t even know that people´s feet could move that fast! and the scenes were about romance, lost and forbidden love, and the ongoing battle between the spanish civil guard and the gypsies. it was all in spanish, and i didn´t understand most of what they sang about, but it still spoke to my heart and rendered me speechless. music is incredible in its ability to transcend language...

and speaking of music and dance, my señora came home the other day and said "estaba bailando hee-haw (with a throaty j/h sound)" (i was dancing hee-haw.) and jackie and i said, ¿qué? (what?) and she went on to say that it was a modern type of dance, at which point jackie said, "hip-hop?" and my señora nodded and giggled in agreement as she proceeded to show us what she had learned. look out missy elliot, here comes maría luisa! she did all kinds of moves, complete with pelvic thrusts and a crotch grab. i was stunned and paralyzed by laughter, and she was loving every minute of it. and that´s why i love my señora.


allison said...

i envy you and your pelvic thrusting senyora (as we pronounce it in american). It reminds me of Mr's Barrante's polka dancing days! I wish I could have watched that with you, but I'll just imagine it in my head, and since I have a very active imagination, while I'm at it I'm going to imagine that you are a gypsy flamingo dancing with wolves!! Wow that was a little much for me! I think I'm over-stimulated! I love you.

Twixmixy said...

gah, thanks a lot for those images allison.
speaking of forbidden love... i believe allison and i developed something like that over fall break.

the crotch grabbing was the best visual for me.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i went to see a couple dance in barcelona. i thought it was gonna suck monkey balls but then i cried. twice.
it's freakin' november!
when are you getting back?